
of the people, by the people, for the people.
thank you for your time, this site is for those that may feel a little worried about today's representative democracy,
governing structure.
so this constitution of the Individual Two-Third Majority Vote Self-Government may be for you, as a individual within
this constitution you shall have the right as a citizen to govern all aspects of your government departments and country.
The Individual Two-Third Majority Vote Self Government of Australia.
It has never been more possible then today, with the electronic technology
available to surport such the large volume of data that would be created, by this system of self governing.
Citizens can now take control of their future, by a non corrupted
government system, to solve issues involving the homeless, poverty, starvation, slavery, child abuse, corruption, wars
and the further destruction of our planet. You now have the power to bring back love not wars, help each other and all
countries, together as a whole. All countries now have the chance to be self sustainable, for you the
citizens are the majority that own your government departments.
To date no
governing system under a representative democracy, communism or dictatorship has ever given citizens anything, just taken
from them to support the rich and the private sector and themselves. This can be shown by the issues of concern, we
face day.
This Individual Two-Third Majority Vote Self Government has been created, for citizens as a whole to govern, individually
all aspects of their government departments, within all countries rich or poor, big or small, for free to be free.
All individual citizens of their country can submit local and national issues of concern to their government departments.
All Government departments shall be entered within a debate, held in alphabetical order, to solve issues of concern
put forward, by the citizens and the private sector. Citizens within a debate, will put forward three proposals
that may solve the issue of concern. Citizens shall then vote on one proposal they think that may solve the
issue of concern. With all proposal's put forward will need a two-third majority vote to become the law. |
The Individual Two-Third Majority Vote Self-Government was created for the saviour of
the environment and all living things. We the human race together now have this chance to save
all living things and the environment, for most humans have become a little ignorant, selfish and lazy, by your
so called representatives,whom are corrupt. When citizens vote their vote is not even counted, the rich choose
who will govern a country not you. All past and present representatives shall be judged by the people through the Individual
Two-Third Majority Vote Self-Government under good government.
If you the citizen do not take control now, there may be no future
for anyone or anything, if you have children or grandchildren, please think about what is the future going to look
like if we keep taking and not giving.
Time is not on our side anymore, we need to change or perish,
the ball is now in your court?
W.C.Realph. Mobil, 61-424801759.
1998-2017 Copyright.
All rights reserved. No part of this the individual two-third
majority vote self government or it's structure and workings may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted
in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, recording, photocopying, or otherwise, without the prior written
permission of W.C.Realph.

home is not just four walls its our planet |