Membership forms.

Rule of the people,by the people,for the people.

| Home | Constitution | Part 1. General | Submit Local Issues of Concern,Debates and Votes. | Part 3. Submit National Issues of Concern. | Part 4. State and Territory Government Departments | Part 5. Australian National Government Departments | Part 6. States and Territories | Part 7. Judicature | Part 8. Finance and Trade | Part 9. Miscellaneous | Part 10. Alterations of the Constitution | Part 11. Preamble | Part 12. Party Constitution | Membership forms.



To become a member you shall need to print-out and fill-out these

"Two" membership forms.

Once this has been done please phone,


the postal address shall be given.


I W.C.Realph shall then sign  the forms make a copy and send copy to you.


All forms must be signed and witnessed by a justice of the peace.