(1.) The Legislative
Powers of Australia shall be vested within Australian Citizens Eighteen years or over within the Individual Two-Third Majority
Vote Self-Government of Australia, after the One Hundred and Tenth (110.) Day, being for the Implementation of the Individual Two-Third Majority Vote Self-Government of Australia, within
all Australian Government Departments. Australian Federal Departments shall be
deemed National Government Departments. Each state and territory Government Department
shall be governed by a National Government Department within the Contect of that State or Territory Government Department.
All Local, State, Territory and National Government Departments their Branches, Authorities, Commissions, Boards, Organizations or whom may be Partly or Fully Funded by the Australian
Government shall Function as Normal for the time period of One Hundred and Ten (110.) Days. Australian
Citizens shall take part, as a Individual to Individually Govern all Structures of Australian National Government Departments,
State Government Departments, Territory Government Departments, Local Government Departments and their Branches, Authorities,
Commissions, Boards, Organizations or of any that may
be Partly or Fully Funded by the Australian Government. The Private Sector shall
or may enter within the Individual Two-Third Majority Vote Self-Government of Australia.
Local citizens shall be vested to Govern,
Service and Maintain Local Government within the Constitution
of the Individual Two-Third Majority Vote Self-Government of Australia.
A National Government
Department within the same context of the State or Territory Government Department shall be Debated and Voted as One (1.)
Department Nationally.
All Politicians, Members of Parliament, Political Representatives of the Citizens of Australia and the Crown shall stand aside for the Implementation of the Individual Two-Third
Majority Vote Individual Self-Government
of Australia and shall not Destroy or Take what is deemed to be Australian Government Property and shall have a Police
escort to redeem their personal effects within any National, State, Territory or Local Government Department, Branches, Authorities,
Commissions, Boards, Organizations or of any that may
be Partly or Fully Funded by the Australian Government.
All Past and Present Politicians, Members of Parliament, Political
Representatives of the Citizens of Australia and the Crown shall be Entered within a Debate to Decide
on Issues of Concern on the Grounds of Good Government and their Entitlements if any.
(Citizens within
this Constitution and Subject to this Constitution of this the Individual Two-Third Majority
Vote Individual Self-Government of Australia that Individually submit an
Issue of Concern, Debate or Vote shall Bear their Oath of Allegiance to Australia, it’s Cultural History and Origins,
the Environment towards Plants and Renewable Resources, Sustainability of the Australian Economy, Budget, Country and Planet, with Realism, Ethics, Fair with True Intensions, Equal
rights, Equal opportunity, True Justice and True Freedom, Peace and Order, Cause before Cure, Honestly and Humanly towards
all Living Things, Towards True Government.)
To submit a Issue of Concern, Debate or Vote the citizen shall submit their Tax File Number as well as to record
a Personal Five (5) Digit Password as Numerals or letters or both for Identification to the Taxation Department.
To enter Issues of Concern, Debate or Vote shall not be compulsory.
There shall be two (2.),
Issues of Concern a Local Issue of Concern and a National, Issue of Concern. Local
Issues of Concern shall be Debate and Vote upon by Local Communities within that Community.
State and Territory, Issues of Concern shall be Debated and Vote upon Nationally.
Local Issue of Concern
shall be submitted by Telephone or by a
(A Local Issue of Concern
Form Coloured Green), to your Local Council.
(A National, State and Territory Issues of Concern shall be submitted by Telephone or a National, State and Territory
Issues of Concern Form Coloured Yellow), to the National, State and Territory Government Department the Issue of Concern is
in context of.
All Issues of Concern
by Citizens shall First be Directed to Where or Whom the Issue of Concern has Originated, if the Issue of Concern is not Resolved
the Issue of Concern shall then become a Local, State, Territory or National Issue of Concern.
A Local Issue of
Concern shall be eligible for a Debate after the Issue of Concern Reaches a Required Limit of One-Third or more of the Population
within that Community. State, Territory and National Issues of Concern
shall be eligible for a Debate after the Issue of Concern Reaches a Required Limit of (One-Third) or more of the Population
within that State, Territory or Nationally.
Within a Debate all Local, State, Territory and National Issue of Concern shall be given three (3.) Proposed Amendments
to the Issue of Concern by the Citizens and the Private sector within the Debate.
The three (3.) Proposed Amendments shall then be voted upon by the citizens to choose One (1.) of the Three (3.) Proposed
Amendments and Shall need a (Two-Thirds) or more in Favour of One (1.) Proposed Amendment that then shall become Law.
Each Individual Vote shall be posted for view at the time it was submitted.
All Amended Issue
of Concern shall have a Thirty-One (31.)Day change over period being for the High Court of Australia to verify the Proposed Amendment to be Legal and binding.
All Local, State, Territory
and National votes within a Debate of an Issue of concern must have (Two-Thirds) or more of the Population to be a Legal Vote.
Within Alphabetical
Order from A-Z, National Government Departments shall be entered within a Debate on the Behalf of State and Territory Government
Departments being within the same context of that National Government Department. Each
Departmental Head of each National, State and Territory Government Department, shall submit a quarterly report (4.) months,
of their Government Department, Branches, Authorities, Commissions, Boards, Organizations that may be Partly or Fully Funded by the Australian Government as well as Issues of Concern
submitted by the Citizen that have reach the Required (One-Third) or more of the population within a State or Territory Department
to the Debate Department.
(The Individual
Two-Third Majority Vote Self-Government of Australia Constitution, Basic Structure shall not be Altered in Any Way or Form,
in which Individual Citizens of Legal age shall if wish to do so Take part as a Individual to Individually Govern all structures
of their Country’s Local, State, Territory and National Government Departments, Branches, Authorities, Commissions, Boards, Organizations or of any that may be Partly or
Fully Funded as well as the Private Sector within the Individual Two-Third Majority Vote Self-Government of Australia and
shall Bear their Oath of Allegiance to Australia, it’s Cultural History and Origins, the Environment towards Plants
and Renewable Resources, Cause before Cure, Sustainability
of the Australian Economy, Budget, Country and Planet, with Realism, Ethics,
Fair and True Intensions, True Justice and True Freedom, Peace and Order, Honestly and Humanly towards all living Things,
Towards True Government.)
After a Federal election
Victory by the Political Party introducing the Individual Two-Third Majority Vote Self-Government of Australia, all Government
Departments of Australia shall Function as Normal for the time of One Hundred and Ten (110) days, whilst the Implementation
of the Individual Two-Third Majority Vote Self-Government of Australia is Implemented within Australian Government Departments.
The Political Party
Introducing the Constitution of the Individual Two-Third Majority Vote Self-Government of Australia, shall Structure Two (2.)
National Referendums Before the One Hundred and Ten (110.) Day, for the Implementation
of the Individual Two-Third Majority Vote Self-Government of Australia.
The Two (2.) National Referendums shall be Held, the First (1.), National Referendum to Decide which National
Government Departments may be a Priority to Debate before
the start of the Individual Two-Third Majority Vote Self-Government of Australia.
The Second (2.), National Referendum to Decide on the Security Structure of Government Departments to stop Corruption
within Australian Government Departments. A Debate and Vote of Each Referendum
with a Two-Third or more in Favour of One (1.), Chosen Amendment shall be Structured and Implemented by the Political Party
introducing the Individual Two-Third Majority Vote Self-Government of Australia.
Within the Time
Period of One Hundred and Ten (110.) Days,
Australian Defence
Forces, Australian Security Forces, Police Departments and Diplomates of Australia shall Function as Normal, Unless of a War or Invasion of Australia in which All Australian Defence
Forces shall Defend Australian Citizens and Australian Shores Under the Authority of the Heads of the Australian Defence Forces,
Australian Security Forces and police departments national, state and local within this the Basic Constitution
of the Individual Two-Third Majority Vote Self-Government of Australia. Australian
Defence Forces shall Inform the Australian Citizens by the media of a Invasion or War of any Way or Form, within a Twenty
Four (24.) Hour Time Period of their First Acknowledge of a Invasion or War in which a National Debate shall be Implemented to Decide on the Issue of Concern.
The Political Party for the Implementation of this Constitution of the Individual Two-Third Majority Vote Self-Government
of Australia shall have the Power to Structure Two (2.), Referendums, Debates, Votes and the Reconstruction of any Local,
State, Territory or National Government Departments within the Time Period of One Hundred and Ten (110.) Days, for Implementation
of the Constitution of the Individual Two-Third Majority Vote Self-Government of Australia. The Political Party Introducing
the Constitution of the Individual Two-Third Majority Vote Self-Government shall Not have the Power to Change or Make any
The Political Party Introducing the Constitution of the Individual Two-Third Majority Vote Self-Government
shall Disband their Party On or Within the One Hundred
and Tenth Day (110.) Day, of the Implementation of the Individual Two-Third Majority Vote Self-Government of Australia.
All Diplomatically forums of Australia within the Time Period of One Hundred and Ten (110.) Days, of the Implementation of the Individual Two-Third
Majority Vote Self-Government of Australia shall not Function as Normal. All
Past and Present Act’s and Treaties shall stand as is, until the Implementation Individual Two-Third Majority Vote Self-Government of Australia.
None English Speaking
Immigrants shall contact the Immigration Department to Enter Issues of Concern Debates or Vote.
Within this constitution and Subject to this the Constitution of the Individual Two-Third Majority Vote Self-Government
of Australia there shall be the Establishment of Two (2.) National Government Departments, the Australian Debate Department
within New Parliament House Canberra and a Vote Department that shall be Established within the Old Parliament House, Canberra.
A.B.C. Television and Radio shall telecast all State, Territory and National Debates and Votes. Each National Government Department shall be Restructured to receive Issues of
Concern and to Enter within a Debate. Subject to this Constitution and within
the Constitution of this the Individual Two-Third Majority Vote Self-Government of Australia shall be a Deemed a True
Democracy- Rule of the Individual People, By the Individually People, For the Indiviual People.
All Men and Women who
Defend Australia and that may have die in battle, shall be Returned to Australian. Lest we Forget.
Annotations: Where text has been removed it is [bracketed] and
any substituted text appears IN CAPITALS.
© Individual Two-Third Majority Vote Self-Government. 1998-2017.
This work is a Copy Right.
You may download, display, print and reproduce this material in unaltered form only (retaining this notice) for your personal,
non-commercial use or use within your organizations. All other rights are reserved. Requests and inquires concerning reproductions
and rights should be addressed to W. C. Realph.
For any information of this the Individual Two-Third Majority Vote self- Government of Australia please do not
hesitate to contact W.C.REALPH.
Ph 61-0405369440 or Email-
williamcrealph@hotmail.com lastpoliticalparty@hotmail.com