Part 2, Chapter 1.
Individual Two-Third Majority Vote Self-Government of Australia Constitution:
Local Government, Issues of Concern, Debates and Votes Act
(2.) Individual Australian Citizens of Legal Age within a Local Community shall submit Issues of Concern
within their Local Community, for the Community to be a Self-Governing Community within the Individual Two-Third Majority
Vote Self-Government of Australia. Citizens shall Bear their Oath of Allegiance to Australia, it’s Cultural History
and Origins, the Environment towards Plants and other Natural Resources, Sustainability of the Australian Economy, Budget,
Country and the Planet, with Realism, Ethics, Fair with True Intensions, Peace and Order, Honestly and Humanly towards all
living Things. To submit a Issue of Concern, Debate or Vote the citizen shall submit their Tax File Number as well as to record
a Personal Five (5) Digit Password as Numerals or letters or Both for Identification to the Taxation Department. Council Employee’s
may Service Local Issues of Concern, Debates or Votes of Local Communities if the Community shall Chooses. The Mayor and Local
Representatives shall stand aside for the Implementation of the Individual Two-Third Majority Vote Self- Government of Local
Government and shall need to be entered within a Debate to decide on Issues of Concern on the Grounds of Good Government and
Entitlements if any. All Local Government Documents and items of the Community shall be vested within the Citizens of that
(2.1.) A Issue of Concern shall first be directed to Whom or Where the Issue of Concern Originated,
if the Issue of Concern is not Resolved, then it shall be submitted to the Local Council.
(2.2.) To submit an Issue of Concern shall be by Telephone or with an Issue of Concern form, this form shall
be called a Local Issue of Concern form, provided and Recorded by the Citizens of their Local Communities.
(2.3. All Local Issues of Concern, Debates, Voting and counting of Votes shall be submitted and held at the Council Chambers,
Town Hall or establishment within that Community, provided by the citizens of that Community.
(2.4.) All Local Issues of Concern within the same context of the Issue of Concern shall need a (One-Third)
or more of the Majority of the Community to be eligible for a Local Debate.
(2.5.) Some Issues of Concern submitted may need to be verified Randomly.
(2.6.) When the Issues of Concern within the same context of the Issue of Concern reaches a required limit
of (One-Third) or more of the Community it shall be eligible for a Debate.
(2.7.) All Debates within a Community shall consist of no less than Seventeen (17.) Citizens of that Community
and Citizens shall be directly involved within the Issue of Concern within the Debated.
(2.8.) Two (2.) Citizen from each Individual Business within the Private Sector Directly involved within
the Issue of Concern may enter a Debate.
(2.9.) Each Debate shall give no more or less then Three (3) proposed Amendments to the Issue of Concern.
(2.10.) The Citizens shall choose One (1.) of the Three (3.) Proposed Amendments to vote upon.
(2.11.) To submit a vote shall be by Telephone or in person to the establishment provided by the Community.
(2.12.) All Issues of Concern Voted upon shall have at lest One-third or more of the vote in favour of a
Proposed Amendment to be changed.
(2.13.) Votes shall be counted by Citizens chosen by the Citizens under the supervision of Two- (2), Offices
of the Law within that Community and the Citizens.
(2.14.) Randomly some Votes within the Vote may need to be verified.
(2.15.) Local Community’s shall not have the Power to make or change Laws.
(2.16.) Local Communities shall submit Local Issues of Concern of Law, or Bye Laws to the National Justice
(2.17.) Local Community Citizens shall be vest within the Individual Two-Third Majority Vote Self-Government
of Australia to carry out Local Services and Activities through their own Local Individual Two-Third Majority Vote Self-Government
of Departmental Bodies catering for their own Community by User Pays System.
(2.18.) All Issues of Concern, Debates and Vote shall be recorded and filed by the Citizens of the Community.
(2.19.) Local Services and Issues of Concern shall be,
(1.) Supplying pure water
(2.) Lighting and cleaning streets
(3.) Local transport
(4.) Collecting garbage
(5.) Providing sanitary services
(6.) Enforcing health regulations
(7.) Enforcing the Law
(8.) Conducting baby health centers
(9.) Maintaining local roads
(10.) Controlling parks and gardens
(11.) Registering animals
(12.) Impounding stray animals
(13.) Supervising sports grounds, pools and play areas
(14.) Controlling car parking
(15.) Supervising town planning
(16.) Running public libraries
(17.) Controlling building regulations
(18.) Controlling sale yards and abattoirs